Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Complete List of Evergreen Content Ideas for Your Blog

Looking for an excellent and comprehensive overview of how to create evergreen content? Well, look no further.

The Complete List of Evergreen Content Ideas for Your Blog - buffer

Why evergreen content? Check out this chart...

More from the post:
The best way to guide this process, according to Hubspot, is to keep in mind this vital question: 
Will people still read this and think it’s interesting a year from now? That’s the goal of evergreen. Evergreen content must hold its relevancy over time or else it risks losing its value. 
The Big Question—will this content endure?—is thankfully something you can control, to a degree, by taking steps to ensure that your evergreen content is set up for success. Keep creating amazing content, and follow these guidelines to make the amazing timeless.  
 3 keys to creating evergreen content
  1. Be the definitive source 
  2. Write for beginners 
  3. Narrow your topic

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